SWTOR: nuances known reputation system toys

Swtor izvestny nyuansy reputatsionnoy sistemy igrushki 344851
09 February 2013

You may remember, as the creators of Toy multiplayer Star Wars: The Old Republic have promised major changes caused by the patch version 1.7. Besides various fishechek, his business card is the appearance in the draft of the new system's reputation heroes named Galactic Reputation. It is well weighted rating, where users will take place, depending on their success in the game. With a higher position will allow them not only to become famous in the game world and get the respect fellow gamers. They are waiting for a nice bonus, but because it makes sense posrazhatsya.

The news of the new system's reputation could not please the large army of fans of MMOs, modeled on Star Wars. They note in the game forums fitsialnyh excellent work done by developers. And it is not difficult to appreciate this hype. Because toy, jumping out of the crisis, which is already delayed, the project evolved into a cool new activities. Still, what she needs is a part-time model of battles between players.

Well, the ratings or the halls of fame gamers Star Wars: TOR long dreamed of. Therefore the joy of introducing developers such possibility is endless. We see that the creators of the project, leaving behind the crisis, take into account the aspirations of all the players, making the design more beautiful, comfortable and functional.

Source: newmmorpg


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