Lineage 2: Patch 0703A, introduced significant changes

Lineage 2 patch 0703a vnes zametnye peremeny 164389
14 February 2013

Players multiplayer game Lineage II recently received from the creators of the project a couple of surprises. So, in honor of Valentine's Day launch event here Sweet love experience. Its duration is limited only by the day, it will last until February 19. By participating in the competition, players can inventory your character found candy. All the details - the game site.

And Russian publisher announced Lineage 2 game server installation on a fresh patch version 0703A. This novelty, appeared on February 12, promises many pleasant moments. And they are able to evaluate some of the players.

Thus, there is one of the most important news for the fans of hardcore PvP. Suppose a character dies 88 level. He loses the experience. If it is small, and therefore not enough for it to pay back the death, the hero moves to a lower level in the 87th. But we must remember that it is impossible to understate the character completely, because as the bar can be reduced only to 85 levels. The game changed somewhat fine for PK. For example, the characters that are counter 4 or more, the inventory will lose all five things, including stones of life.

Developers corrected time and skills application item is to revive the characters. They are also a few rebalance some classes, finished the area for hunting and added fresh details of the Festival Island Dreams.

Source: <a data-cke-saved-href="href=" href="href=" http:="" supermmo.ru="" lineage-2-patch-0703a.html"="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Supermmo


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