Description of the game Settlers online

Opisanie igry settlers online 450505
16 February 2013

An experienced listener browser economic policies comforted another project of this genre. Before you - a typical browser strategy with RPG elements intertwined. The developers have made the emphasis on rational use of resources, and not on their savings. The team worked hard to fame on the storyline and graphics.

Players at the beginning will give a certain amount of resources, and there should be enough to ensure that you develop your settlement. In addition, you will be issued one building, a town hall and a few settlers, you can give them simple commands. At first, in the settlement of a player creates an industrial complex to build different buildings and the mining industry focus, and will develop the infrastructure.

After starting the extraction of resources and accumulated quite soon you will be the modernization of production and the process of improving the production of the material. You will use the building as efficiently as possible, if, by clicking on them, get to know the information in the tab "Details".

Experience to level 17 you can dial quickly. Then the game is a little slow down. Previously, for the erection of buildings and their improvement you gain experience. And now it will charge you for combat sorties. To implement them, you have to under the banners raise a decent army. And this is hard to do.
The island is not only the settlers. Built the main building, you will have access to the geologist, whose task will be to search for deposits of resources. Its level will rise along with your. If the first geologist to find a stone, then he gradually learns to explore these deposits nitrate and titanium. What will be the level of your geologist will directly depend on the volume of production materials.

In addition, the Settlers online access will be provided to you and to this hero as the general. It is needed to make your army to effectively defeat the enemy, increasing constantly their fighting qualities. General on the map will move with the army. If the army remains without generals, soldiers will receive less combat experience. The effectiveness of the battles in this project also depend on the size of the army.

Reaching the level of a clear, will join its ranks is another important character - scout. He is looking for the island quests and treasures. To begin the quest, landed troops in the area, clear the territory of the enemy.
In this online game, as in the other game of this type, there is a guild. Players they make an exchange of resources and reinforcements. Clan players will soon have access to specific buildings and jobs.

Source: eXGamer


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