IdeaPadLenovoYoga 13 - Yogi in the four stable planes

Ideapadlenovoyoga 13 yog v chetyreh stabilnyh ploskostyah 390129
04 March 2013

Not long ago, Lenovo showed IdeaPadYoga 13 ultrabook can be transformed into any of four positions. With a touch screen and the ability to rotate 360 ​​degrees, this device can be either a tablet or a laptop. In the form factor of a laptop two hinged bracket securely hold 13.3dyuymavy monitor upright. It is possible to turn the monitor as to itself and to the outside.

If you switch to monitor the state of the tablet falls to the bottom of the housing, while having two intermediate states: "Stand" and "house." The latter two may be suitable for the location of video and photos, and possibly presentations. In tablet mode, the keyboard is locked, as a result, are excluded from being pressed accidentally. Even though it's a bit recessed and, because of this, not in contact with the surface on which the tablet.

Keyboard unit surrounds what appears on the skin, and any touch to it is pleasant in the hand. This model comes preloaded with Windows 8, the processor i5-1.7GHz, four GB RAM, 128GB SSDdiskom. Good display on 13.3dyuyma. Quality and loud sound.
In conclusion, if you want to buy a laptop for Windows 8 today, it's a good choice. This is a very good device and it costs thousands of their American dollars.

Source: Wpos


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