More and more people choose a PC format "candy bar"

Vse bolshe polzovateley vybirayut pk formata monoblok 288225
13 March 2013

That is the time when the desktop started to leave the stage, surrendering their positions to the new, technologically advanced electronic intelligence. This trend has spread not only to the average consumer, it can also be seen at the corporate level. Laptops, netbooks, ultrabooks and all tablet beeches fill the space, which owned sistemnik monsters with lots of cables and overriding monitor. The era of mobile devices - a candy bar, or "all in one".

Let's see what they are so attractive to the user, these monoblocs beeches? Outwardly, they look like regular LCDs, maybe a little thicker. Display Size - 18 19dyuymov. In addition, it should be noted and compact with maximum efficiency and minimum use of the test area. In this case, the user is guaranteed a maximum of comfort.
So, it turns out that candy bar - the perfect PC for work and for play. However, without running the coolest toys on the exorbitant rates. But the widespread introduction of touch screens in tandem with the new OS, for example, Windows 8 Style Metro, it is - more than the successful combination of a solution.

Unfortunately, there is another side to the candy bar - a higher price, as payment for minimalism and, therefore, low maintainability.
To date on the shelves are dozens of candy bars, with any set of functions and sizes, and prices. For example: classic ZM-AIO company Zalman, is - 27 inch monitor with a complete filling of all arithmetic.

Source: Gazeta


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