Personnel changes in Funcom to affect the Age of Conan

Kadrovye peremeny v funcom na otrazyatsya na age of conan 870703
31 January 2013

In its January report, referring to the restructuring of Age of Conan, Funcom creative director Craig Morrison argues that the development of all titles by a team that is located in North Carolina. A number of staff will be for them to perform new tasks. The above command will continue to do more "quality upgrade". Talented developers on the back to write on the history of all the games studio new page.

According to Craig, the game is getting better. Because their contributions to the development made the talents. And the project has become something more than this or that person, group or generation. Judge for yourself - the game worked great for 3 different teams. But once the need perelistnut and this chapter. Through the efforts of the new team will be finalized Dragonspine content, etc. This schedule may change out. This information will be made public as early as next report developers.

In addition, the Age of Conan servers installed patch 4.0.1. The update developers resolved their problems with quests Dragon's Spine, eliminate errors with NIPami Serpent Men and Excavation Guards. In addition, fixed, and another error in the Russian and Polish clients - the disappearance of the elements of language interface.

Source: AgeOfConan


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