Fans rejoice Aion 3.7 update

Poklonniki aion raduyutsya obnovleniyu 3 7 100525
03 February 2013

You - fan MMO RPG Aion? Then you, like the rest of fans have already enjoyed the update 3.6. Experience has shown that Frimium - this is a great update to the game so popular today. But a team of developers Aion decided not to brake while. They decided to provide the gaming community the following update. 3.7. As it is called? So far - in any way, he has no name. But you and I already know exactly another circumstance. It's about his main chip.

So, the key feature of this update are new types of PvP. What is there to be? The fact that now the game is an updated look arena patronage. Users will see here format 3 against 3 ex. By the way, we are about the level of demand for this game mode.

If you like my outfit do poeffektivnee, rejoice - you have prepared for the possibility of the product even more powerful amplification. That is, you can now enhance with pebbles to strengthen once 2 or a 3 points. But you know, such a feature will be available for the most successful users. That is, if you found this or that scheme better amplification. In the role of complement developers changed the game interface. In addition, the team has corrected the game and a huge mass of errors and bugs.

Source: SuperMMO


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