Lineage earned nearly two billion dollars in 15 years

Lineage zarabotala pochti dva milliarda dollarov za 15 let 207421
28 November 2013

NCSoft reported on the success of one of the legends in the MMO- genre - released in 1998, the original Lineage fifteen years was able to earn $ 1.8 billion . Despite decent age , the game continues to bring good income - Lineage now ranks fourth in the top Korean online games , bypassing not only the continuation Lineage 2 , but such modern projects like Blade & Soul and Aion.

Lineage - one of the first graphical multi-player games , released only one year after the onset of the genre ancestors Ultima Online. The game became very popular in Asia - in the first years after its release it to play millions of Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. But in Europe and the United States caught the second part , which was released in 2003. Now the development is Lineage Eternal, which may begin testing next year.

Source: Games Mail


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