Overview Server - WoW Circle

Obzor servera wow circle 700784
06 February 2013

In our reviews, we try to tell the truth about the project and give an objective assessment.

Review of World of Warcraft servers, we start with the most popular pirate server - WoW Circle.

The project has been around for 3-4 years, during which time, the peak online on all game worlds was more than 65000 people, the figure is very impressive, I hope it's real, because it is difficult to verify.
At the WoW Circle, there are 23 gaming world, tick rate from x1 to Fun, online on all of them different, from 50 to 6,000 people, the exact statistics you can see on their website.

According to the latest article, the server employs 130 people, of which 14 programmers server side - the list is quite impressive, but not always quantity = quality.
All in all the game worlds are efficient enough, when compared as a whole, the analogs can be counted on one hand, but with this recruitment, could all do better and faster because most progress has been achieved only in the last year, probably still a freebie, as described in the article above, we have to be more globally ...

On game worlds with a population of 5 thousand people or more, in the evenings there are serious delays that cause suffering PvP content, especially in the arena game, where every extra 50ms delay can be fatal for the team, kind of like the administration is working on it but growing population, reducing their work to a minimum, we think it worth thinking about reducing strips online from six thousand to 5.4 thousand, for servers with up to 4.5 thousand online, problems with delays and no one can take pleasure game.

Stability is not constant, the server can run without falling for days, and then will not a very good update and downs may become more frequent and 5 + times a day and fix their cause is not as fast is also not napping and people who specifically try to crash server, on the essence of stability is possible only in a specific period of one month is good, and the next is the problem.

Many large projects, I try what they can to help all the players in the short term because of staff shortages, despite the fact that the Circle works they said 130 staff, he was no exception, and perhaps even the contrary, one sad examples of her work.
As the one of the rules of the game on the server: "The administration is not responsible for ....", but nearly all, if you have lost something, in consequence of the rollback server, you do not return, just by the way they do not have such authority, on the one hand it is a big minus the whole project, and on the other, plus the security of these same players, but we assign it to the downside.

In the game of those. support is also actually turns out to GMs rarely respond to tickets that can hang for months, go to the game just to give bans on screenshots and videos that are posted on the forum.

About web project resources have nothing much to say, quite a beautiful site, the forum - the usual VB with a default pattern personal account is not suitable for use, the constant double clicks to order the service, the forum can find a variety of topics that people can not understand it, the administration would have to do something easier ...
Donate - a controversial concept in runet, when in Europe, Donate - is the norm, we have donator - is actually an outcast of society for regular players who play without buying anything at Circle Players donaters are many, many people do not like it, but it's time to to treat this more relaxed, because in fact, these tools and server exists.

Now let us briefly about the pros and cons.


- Large online.
- High-performance gaming content.
- Large selection of game worlds based on the version of the game and Reiten.
- Confidence in the future.


- Large online as a result of high latency on populated worlds.
- Periodically stability issues.
- In fact, the absence of those. support in the game, and the online help is not as active.


Online: 10 out of 10
The diversity of the Worlds: 10 of 10
Stability: 8 out of 10
Labor: 9 out of 10
Performance: 7 out of 10
Customer Support: 6 out of 10

To sum up:

In general, if you can live with the possibility of high latency and stability, while you need a high line that was not boring, the project for you, especially since in the last six months there has been progress in the development of WoW Circle, apparently thought better of it and took the admins to business, online does not have to wait long, and rose by an average of 15-20%.

But if you value in a server other qualities, namely the lack of donation, a good tech. user support, high stability, no delays, it is best to bypass this side project, because in view of its large online, it just will not be able to provide you with all of this.

Very soon, we'll tell you about the least successful server Molten WoW, so stay tuned for MMOVOTE.


For review form


Poster: Fikz, 12 August 2013 02:11:14

Играю на х10 лич кинг за орду, дисконектов почти нету. Советую сервер х10


Poster: Apakalipsis, 4 June 2013 17:46:04



Poster: Reichsfurer, 24 March 2013 16:39:58

Жаль только что администрация circlа перегибает палку. У многих есть "свои" им многое сойдёт с рук а есть и те, кто не понравился по каким-то причинам(таких травлят очень сильно).


Poster: hilola, 8 March 2013 21:35:26

выкидывает из игры за час раз десят выкинуло


Poster: hilola, 8 March 2013 16:26:07

ну сервер с онлайном 10из10 тока за час менЯ из игры выкинуло раз 10 не очень приятно.(( Это тока когда я персонажа прокачивал, а если в рейде или на арене такое будет происходить.


Poster: Oleg97q, 8 March 2013 07:08:30

сделайте про алдоран обзор


Poster: hilola, 4 March 2013 20:15:23

сервер в плане онлайн отличный тока сделали бы мир, который во всех подземелиях лут был полный не так как с одного босса 2-3 вещей, а 13-14 кд неделю


Poster: frey2013, 25 February 2013 16:11:23

Лучшего еще не видел. Спасибо администрации!


Poster: lokky115888, 19 February 2013 19:42:12

Из представленных на данный момент серверов которые поддерживают 4.3.4, этот самый играбельный. Конечно же и есть недостатки но со временем все ремонтируют.С дисконами и лагами особо проблем не было (играю тут более пол года). В общем серв хороший.


Poster: varik-varik, 19 February 2013 01:07:05

ОРДА х100 пве/пвп РЕСПЕКТ

Last edited 19 February 2013 01:07:13


Poster: varik-varik, 19 February 2013 01:04:16

Это самая крутая пиратка и тут даже нету смысла спорить,нигде не найти пиратку с таким онлайном,Работоспособностью,Разнообразием миров и работой ГМ

Last edited 19 February 2013 01:04:45


Poster: MaxfirePro, 17 February 2013 11:43:53

Сервер задоначен посамое нехочу играть невозможно


Poster: varik-varik, 19 February 2013 01:06:27

ну так и не играй если играть не умееш то тебе сервер не поможет


Poster: lokky115888, 19 February 2013 19:43:52

донат есть, но на игру не влияет... ну разве что для кого то жизненно важно иметь какого то мега редкого маунта)))


Poster: kiberg125, 5 March 2013 13:46:46

Хочешь сказать, что шм - это эпик маунт?


Poster: extwey, 17 February 2013 09:31:34

c х1PvP алики респект


Poster: eidos, 17 February 2013 02:37:10

оценки утомили , особенно : Поддержка пользователей: 6 из 10 , 2 если не 0 ! :D

Last edited 17 February 2013 02:37:46


Poster: sairim, 15 February 2013 21:20:28

такой сильный донат убивает всё желание играть на нём


Poster: varik-varik, 19 February 2013 01:05:45

а что мешает играть без доната тебе,кто задонил 60% что он не умеет играть и нечего не знает

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MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

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