Overview on the most accurate arm in the world of Bloody Blakv7

Obzor na samuyu tochnuyu myshku v mire bloody blackv7 66361
09 February 2013

Overview on the most accurate arm in the world Bloody BlackV7.

Since the company has already A4tech 25 years of experience in the development of mice, new technologies and design experience has helped the company to release a new series of gaming mice Bloodu branded specifically for gamers, just released this brand and the gaming mouse Bloody BlackV7, of which our present and will review.

Bloody BlackV7 - this is an unusual, multi-mode gaming mouse for gamers, professionals, but also it is suitable and the average user, if not add to it the function ULTRA CORE 3, which we describe below.

Bloody BlackV7 has six features and functions that differ from each other by its uniqueness. Also, the mouse is equipped with three different ways of shooting, which can be switched using a special button during play. The first mode when the mouse makes a click, the second mode - two clicks, third mode - three clicks, it gives this mouse a very big advantage in games where you need to make a lot of shots. More on this mouse you can buy another feature called ULTRA CORE 3, which will help regulate the trajectory and automatic suppression of return, it is because of these two abilities, this mouse was called the most accurate in the world.

Mouse software also allows you to customize and save arsenals and setting combinations.

Source: MMOVOTE Team


For review form


Poster: Anonym, 9 February 2013 16:03:53

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Poster: Metlhard, 9 February 2013 15:58:55

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