World of Warcraft: Update 5.2 close!

World of warcraft obnovlenie 5 2 sovsem ryadom 515363
12 February 2013

The development team of the project will inform the user some of the details about the Island Thunder. It's the next location, which the developer for fans of the game in patch 5.2 to the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Island Explorer will engage troops fraction of the Kirin Tor (Alliance, which is headed by Jaina Parudmur) and the second group, called the Sunreavers (Horde, which is headed by Lor'themar Theron). Each player, performing any task, so will help their factions in the exploration of the island. Player, gaining a reputation with factions, will make itself more accessible to the valuables.

Treasury will be on the Island Thunder another interesting innovation. It's all designed to pass on its own. That is, you got into a mini-dungeon, teeming monsters have a short time to open more sunduyakov with awards.

As you know, the rapidly approaching 5.2 update promises to you soon with the news. Patch test on my test server project. World of Warcraft fans prepared brand new story adventures. They will also visit with twelve giant raid bosses and lots of other changes in the game mechanics. By the way, the description of site updates the game - not final. All this is not time to change the patch 5.2.

Source: gamesmail


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