Acoustics T & D TDE 124 - for those who like cheap

Akustika t d tde 124 dlya teh kto lyubit podeshevle 89882
16 February 2013

Speakers for PC - it is no longer a luxury. This - the need, you can tell your ears in the computer world after eye. And this is for sophisticated music lovers - and even job creation. Based on these considerations, one gets the sound to the needs and opportunities. And we will talk about the sound system, T & D TDE 124, which is suitable for the average user. Normally loud, with a clean and good sound. And afford standing.

We offer a full range 2.1.Eto two speakers with full-range and low-frequency - sabbufer. The system is conveniently packaged in the middle - all three columns, connecting cords and a user description.

Speaker system looks good, if not, fine. Wheel - painted in black wood with small black plastic plates. And, plus, white diffusers. Picture - a miracle.
Subwoofer has fazainvertorny maze, and the transmitter is located at the bottom. Interestingly executed volume control. Not only is it glows in the dark, even resembles something airborne. By the way, a very good supplement to the rear is adjustable bass.

The electrical circuit is collected efficiently. All elements within the stated.
That, in the end, do we have? 1000 rubles this beautifully arranged acoustics in the house: and the clip with her look, and kinoshku in the internet.

Source: Ferra


For review form


Poster: raty, 17 February 2013 01:48:25

хотите нормально слушать музыку? купите усилитель и две колонки и никакие 2.1 системы даже рядом стоять не будут.

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