Warframe: players have a couple of days of OBT

Warframe u igrokov est para dney obt 748319
17 February 2013

As is well known studio team Q & A Video continues its work on a new action-packed shooter Warframe. Just these days, they decided to make their users, thinking for a while to make the game accessible to all.

So, the open beta test of this third person shooter started on Friday, that is February 15. And to finish the session at 17.00 on February 19, Tuesday. Everyone who has more coveted key, but has a desire to get acquainted with the new development developers can easily implement this desire. Just register on the official site and download the client.

Recall the Warframe those who still know little about the game. Before us - the third-person shooter. And do everything possible just to the project was interesting and popular among users, a team of creators who are involved in other projects, for example, Bioshock 2 and Dark Sector. Main feature of the game is exoskeleton technology, giving users great speed and power. The project does not leveling characters. Team of creators instead decided to offer to do the development of their exoskeletons. Arsenal players so far has eight such battle dress. However, as developers have promised, soon they will add new instances.

Source: gametarget


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