Today's review will be devoted to the server L2name.

Segodnyashniy obzor my posvyatim serveru l2name 927227
02 March 2013

We can make our readers - this set of servers known to many experts for years. It turns out, he continues to work steadily in its fifth year! First server, which was opened by them, became x10 - there were bugs, holes and friends admins. That's interesting, as there was not a wipe. After all, the first administrator antics almost ruined the server. After cleaning their series server indicated in the tops. Moreover, it began to rise. Although the starting line of the server was about 2,500 users of players.

So, after all they had the idea sweeps: open x20 server tick rate. Unfortunately, this number they did not pass, and online zametnenko rolled to zero.

 However, having spent a number of discussions on the forum server with players, the team has come to a common decision - Open Server High Five tick rate x100. This time starting line up were 3000 live players. And this, despite the cheat that we are now seeing on the site.

By the way, on their website you can look online and the server, and the statistics of the worlds. Head over to one of the servers, and see - what's going on.


- Stable server.
- A large number of gifts and bonuses for new players.
- No sales epic jewelry.
- There are no accessories, Tattoos and other nonsense, classic - is a classic.


- A lot of things from the sale of players.
- Poor those. Support.
- Cheat online.


Online: 7 out of 10
Variety of worlds: 8 out of 10
Stability: 10 of 10
Labor: 9 out of 10
Performance: 8 out of 10
Support: 5 out of 10

To sum up? If you are looking for a server so that was not ephemeral, if you dream to play exclusively on the safe and stable enough server so there was only an experienced administration and friendly team, then you're in the right place, this set of servers - for you!

Next we write our review on another server - LineageRu.

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About the project

MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

Our rating will help you find the perfect server for a variety of criteria, such as chronicles server rates the players score, feedback on the project and place in the ratings.

In the ranking, and the announcement involves only active resources, closed or inactive resources will be removed monthly, cleaning after resetting the votes.