Warface: added a new update to the game the female characters

Warface ocherednoe obnovlenie dobavilo v igru zhenskie personazhi 315944
07 March 2013

According to the administration of the popular multiplayer shooter, finally, on the server project established a welcome mini-update, add to project female models heroes. This is the moment to get to know all about the brave troop "Aurora". Meet the engineers and Stormtroopers come first in the fight!

Appearance for the team, "Aurora" is available to the heroes of different ranks. Pay the 800 credits, and you can do a sex change right there in the game store. That is the price of apparel for a specific game classes: Assault and engineer. By the way, the subject is acquired in a game store for all. As for snipers and nurses, while they were delayed. Among other things, women's character models are distinguished not only looks. They are completely different voice. Having bought for his character appearance or attack aircraft engineer of the "Aurora", the player to fully feel that his protagonist - a girl.

Recall that a high budget Warface free online shooter, whose creation has worked on the company Crytek. It is based on the graphics engine CryEngine 3. Creators paid attention as PvP, and PvE-content. Plus, we must mention the six competitive PvP-modes in the game, receive the title game of the year at GDC 2012.

Source: Games Mail


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