The fastest graphics card-Zotac

Samaya bystraya videokarta zotac 207439
17 March 2013

ZOTA CInternational Ltd - one of the leading manufacturers of computer components - namely, motherboards and graphics cards. Earlier this year, the company had announced a graphics card NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan, and in the early days was recognized as the fastest graphics accelerator based on a single chip.

Competitors of this product were presented company AMD (Radeon HD 7790) and NVIDIA (GEForce GTX 690), but with two chips. In addition, AMD Radeon HD 7999 is still not officially represented. If we analyze the pricing of computer components in different countries, it turns out, a series of NVIDIA products in Western Europe and Russia is always less than recommended, and the price is 34,990 rubles. While in North America the figure is $ 1,000. And of course, if the trend in pricing, we will continue and further, it will be the best choice of video cards.

Of course, it is no secret to the fact that users still can not decide to choose a single or dual-GPU graphics cards. For the same cost, dual-chip work a little faster. But, getting the video card is almost the same level of performance, you should always give preference to products operating on the same chip. This is due to the fact that not all applications have the opportunity to work with two chips cards.
To all It should be added that the video card ZOTAC GeForce GTX TITAN is positioned as the reference product.

Source: Megaobzor


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