EPadFemme tablet for lovely ladies

Planshet epadfemme dlya milyh dam 677424
06 April 2013

It turns out that the claim that we still live in a patriarchal society, in some sense true, because, as they explain the emergence of tablet for women. Mobile PC was created by engineers of the Middle East in Dubai - EurostarGroup and is designed for all women and girls.

Though he has a lot of pink in the design, it was named the female is not entirely because of this. Simply it preinstalled were numerous women's programs. By the way, it caused an uproar among femenistok. Though in our opinion, however, the male, all the programs are chosen correctly. Here and daily yoga, and women's fitness, and conversion of forms and sizes of clothes, collections of different recipes from around the world, home tips and more. A suspected femenistki mini computer makers that they believe their surface, they say, women are only interested in three things: homework, shopping and family health.

But the vice president Mani Nair believes that the computer - a real gift to our women, and pre-installed programs are unique and difficult to find when purchasing other devices. By the way it will be said in ePadFemme enough room for their party programs.

As for the filling, then 8 dyuym.ekran, 1.5 GHz processor, 16 GB of memory + kartyCD. All this is under the direction of the operating system Android 4.0 IceCreamSandwich.

The cost of this creation is a relatively modest $ 190.

Source: medinfo


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