Rockstar says GTA filming too risky project

Rockstar schitaet ekranizatsiyu gta slishkom riskovannym proektom 401476
11 September 2013

Vice President Dan Houser, Rockstar Games (Dan Houser), explained why no one has yet removed the screen version of GTA. The main reason is that in this film are not interested developers themselves. "We have repeatedly received such offers, but the profit potential will never cover associated with the project risks," - said Hauser.

He noted that Rockstar has a bad experience with Hollywood. "It's very important to have creative freedom, and people associated with Hollywood, it often loses" - added Hauser. Vice-President of Rockstar Games believes that the most appropriate format for the film adaptation of GTA was not a full-length movie and TV series, but it is not worth waiting.

"Trying to turn the GTA into a television series, we risk losing a lot. We have an open world in which users for hundreds of hours can do whatever they want - to rob banks, do yoga or just watch TV. Is all of this can be entered in two or twelve o'clock, sacrificing the most important thing - the freedom of the player? "- Says one of the founders of Rockstar.

Source: games


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