Open beta testing of Ragnarok Online 2 is still closed for gamers around the world

Otkrytoe beta testirovanie ragnarok online 2 vse esche zakryto 312929
01 February 2013

Beginning of the open beta test blockbuster Ragnarok Online 2 (starting on December 7 last year) waiting for a long time. But fans have waited another multiplayer toys. Its launch was appointed on January 3. But many gamers for its first stage and did not have access. After all, developers limited testers only from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. They say that, in addition, as with Asian developers, they have not reached an agreement. They promise to open tests and others. But later.

Gamers could not ignore this fantasy toy. But their faith in it a few compromised. Although full-bodied sequel Ragnarok Online has over 10 years, and the game continues to delight super graphics and excellent gameplay. It is clear that the second part, the expectations of the majority should be even steeper. However, in this start to doubt the background of these events.

Certainly, there is hope that the toy will be available to many gamers of the world that will soon pass and its official release. But - let's see! In any case, all that was going on, looks like a serious problem, which needs to overcome the remarkable effort and patience. Because after taking command of the first version of the project with the development, approval of the second, all understood - all the misadventures need to survive. Because most gamers are still hoping that the developers correct situation for the better.

Source: newmmo


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