Scientists compared the World of Warcraft with religion

Uchenyy sravnil world of warcraft s religiey 854934
14 February 2014

Anthropologist Ryan Hornbeck published an interesting study , which concluded that the World of Warcraft in China has largely become a substitute for religion. Online games attract young Chinese so that they can escape from problems in real life. Society is changing rapidly , it has been a huge social inequality when some parents bring to school on expensive cars , while other families barely earn on food. In addition, a lot of young Chinese learn and work (student could easily be carried out in their school up to 14 hours ) , so they have too little time for some new and different training, experience.

Ryan notes that when people get sick , many of them seek refuge in churches . Chinese youth for the replacement of religion became online games, including World of Warcraft - it's a completely different world that exists on the rules that seem fairer youth . In the online game does not matter what family you came - others will appreciate you for your just deserts. There are plenty of activities that really bring people together , giving them the opportunity to act as a whole , by fighting , for example, with the next boss.

Source: Games Mail


For review form


Poster: Scorpionddd, 21 February 2014 22:21:18

Читаешь и думаешь: Всё-таки в нашей стране не все так плохо...)


Poster: UREPISH09, 20 February 2014 10:27:15

С этим все понятно.... Но кому то плохо от этого....


Poster: CamKo, 18 February 2014 08:45:32

я там себе друзей новых нашел, подружился с некоторыми их них и в реальной жизни, там действительно намного лучше чем в реалье


Poster: Vinci, 18 February 2014 07:39:49

Без игр в современных условиях, особенно в неблагополучных семьях можно с ума сойти, либо стать убийцей и вором в реальном мире. А тут хоть какая-то отдушина. Только во всем нужна мера. Игра не должна заменять все.


Poster: 19димко97, 3 March 2014 13:52:20



Poster: Interactivprimar, 17 February 2014 13:06:46

"Это нормально"(c)


Poster: Непристойный, 16 February 2014 06:36:50



Poster: slovitskij1, 15 February 2014 20:16:12



Poster: ahhiles, 15 February 2014 19:31:48



Poster: Tvorcux, 14 February 2014 15:57:45

Not bad:)

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