Early access to The Elder Scrolls Online will open March 30

Ranniy dostup v the elder scrolls online otkroetsya 30 marta 826248
25 March 2014

Bethesda has released a launch schedule for The Elder Scrolls Online. The first game will see those who bought kits early access on the official site - for their servers already opened March 30 at 16:00 Moscow time , five days before the release. The next day, the game will be available to customers "box" pre-order , and the day after - those who bought pre-ordered in other stores . The official release of The Elder Scrolls Online is scheduled for April 4.

The Elder Scrolls Online - a large-scale online game on the famous universe in which we find ourselves in the center of three major opposition factions. The game will be distributed by the traditional business model , where you first have to pay for account creation ( 2299 rubles), and then once a month to make a monthly fee (approximately - $ 15 ) .

Source: Games Mail


For review form


Poster: lomag, 30 March 2014 15:04:01

мда .. игра опоздала с выходом лет так на 7-8. Теперь практически все такие игры похожи или на ВоВ или на Линейку со своими типа "фишками" за которые не то что платить даже просто узнать что это такое не интерестно! Хотя я сам фанат элдер скролс...

Last edited 30 March 2014 15:04:32


Poster: Ritmixx, 26 March 2014 17:09:43

Игра сырая, боевка убогая, тупая беготня по квестам, вообщем очередной эпичный высер, распиаренный до не могу, который надеются пропихнуть за счет имени всем полюбившегося старого, доброго ТЕСа.

Last edited 26 March 2014 17:15:35


Poster: ashotlol, 26 March 2014 01:23:15



Poster: Karruters, 25 March 2014 17:20:08

скока? скока?

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