Number of cyber events in the U.S. increased five-fold in three years

Chislo kibesportivnyh sostyazaniy v ssha uvelichilos v pyat raz za tri goda 761255
02 August 2014

In 2014, the U.S. held 47,500 cyber competition - is more than five times higher than three years ago (8809 to 2011). Such information company announced Battlefly, which provides services for events. 

The company also provided information on the games that are most popular among competitive players. First place is League of Legends - last year it spent more on 7500 competition. Second place goes to Dota 2 (5000 events), and the third is FIFAFIFA (4900), and the fourth series ... Pokemon, which was held on the 3600 competition. 

Of their data and makes Battlefly interesting conclusions. For example, the League of Legends in the U.S. nine times more active players than Dota 2 - but at the same time it is held by only 50% more than the competition. In Battlefly believe that players Dota 2 more hardcore, while the League of Legends - probably the most massive game genre. 

Source: Games Mail


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